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Re: принудительное добро

03/05/2005 12:55

Ответ на   принудительное добро

Признаюсь, я не читал платоновские "Законы". Были ли они написаны им самим, или его учениками, или кем-нибудь ещё, но то что он подразумевал на самом деле было скорее всего в согласии с нижеследующим (цитата):


Law is the condition of freedom. Law is the condition of unity. Law is the unity that man has always sought.

No universe is built without law. Conformity to law characterizes the world of matter as well as the world of consciousness. Conformity to law is a condition of the possibility, existence, evolution, and continuance of life.

The concept of law contains the attributes of immutability and impersonality as the two most valuable ones. The concept of law is a “let there be light” in the chaos of arbitrariness and lawlessness. Conformity to law is the cliff on which we can build our faith and trust in life. Conformity to law makes a rational view of reality possible, makes it possible to realize the meaning of life rationally. Admitted that nature appears cold and hard; it is nevertheless true, just, and incorruptible. It thereby affords us the basis of knowledge, freedom, and power. It grants to human reason the position due to it. All these things are invaluable realities, possibilities, and rights.

The number of laws appears to be unlimited. The more the boundaries of consciousness expand and the vast our knowledge of reality becomes, the more laws we discover. And this gives us greater and greater confidence in the rationality of life. If laws were lacking, we would be victims of arbitrariness. If we lack a knowledge of laws, we fall victims to fictions and superstition. Like the knowledge of the laws of nature grants us power over nature, so the knowledge of the laws of life shows us how we can shape our lives.

The laws of life are the legislation of life. Before mankind realizes this, it will speculatingly devise more or less abortive legal systems according to the stage of development it has attained.

The laws of life are all one with our being. According as we discover ourselves and realize ourselves, we discover laws as the condition of our realization. We become these laws by liberating ourselves from the fictions and illusions of our ignorance.

Laws indicate that forces act, the ways in which forces act, and the conditions under which they act. As regards the three aspects of reality, all laws can be brought together into three main groups: the laws of matter, will, and consciousness. Only those required to comprehend the Life View outlined here are enumerated below.

The fundamental law, the law of dynamic primordial matter, the natural law proper from which all other laws can be derived and on which the immutability of all laws depends, has several names, for example: the law of balance, harmony, restoration, or stability.

The causal law, or the law of causality, says that if all conditions are present, then a certain course of events follows inevitably; that given causes have their bases in manifested forces; that the effect, or event, is a resultant of a great number of forces.

The law of reaping, the law of sowing and reaping, is also a law of consciousness.

The law of development is a law of purposiveness, or finality. It says that all life, from the lowest to the highest, develops; that forces act in certain ways towards certain ends. Every primordial atom is a potential god and will some time, through the process of manifestation, become an actual god (= the highest kind of consciousness).

The law of form says that every form of life is adapted to the stage of development of its indwelling life, that each higher kind of consciousness requires a higher form of life, a more purposive possibility of acquiring increased consciousness.

The law of transformation says that the form of life constantly changes and dissolves only to be renewed.

The law of re-formation says that every being, when its form is renewed, receives a similar form of life, until its consciousness expansion requires a specifically different higher form.

The law of destiny indicates what forces are to influence the individual in each form of life with respect to the need of his individual character for necessary experiences and to its endeavour to acquire the requisite qualities and abilities.

The law of freedom says that every being is its own freedom and its own law, that freedom is gained through law. Freedom is the right to individual character and to activity within the limits of the equal right of all.

The law of separation, or isolation, says that every being must – in order to develop the selfreliance and self-determination of individual character – become conscious of itself as something separate from everything else. The human stage marks that phase of development during which the atomic consciousness is isolated from the consciousness of other beings.

The law of unity says that all beings form a unity and that every being must realize its unity with all life in order to attain super-individual consciousness expansion.

The law of self-realization says that every being must itself acquire all the qualities and abilities requisite for omniscience and omnipotence, that it must itself realize its divinity.

The law of activation says that life is activity, that life develops through activity, that individual development is only possible through self-initiated activity of consciousness.

Именно в таком контексте я и пытаюсь осмыслить "Государство" Платона.

  1. Re: принудительное добро - Anonymous от 03/05/2005 12:55
    1. Re: принудительное добро - LAWS OF LIFE (на русском :-)) от 03/05/2005 19:04
      1. Re: принудительное добро - ninniku от 04/05/2005 02:52

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