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Re: В ответ другу!

19/09/2013 13:33

Ответ на   В ответ другу!

The scientific point of view says that the Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
Therefore I think that everything come from the "THINGS" before that "big bang" which couldn't happen because it wasn't necessary to start the beginning of the process of those things being which can not be created or destroyed.
Big bangs every where in the space of Universe. They are reform processes of the matter beings from one substance life form to another of there way of evolutionary being.
Big bangs in Universe are evolutionary processes. They aren't the beginnings of what has begun without cause.
"Without cause", from ours 3 dimensional mind thinking point of view!

  1. Re: В ответ другу! - Naazimm от 19/09/2013 13:33

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