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Подборка материалов из Интернет - ресурсов о Девраха Бабе

06/07/2005 19:43

Александр Г

Девраха Бабе - один из величайших и сострадательных йогов в истории человечества. Насколько я имею представления: есть конкретные исторические свидетельства, что Девраха Баба прожил более 250 лет. Также есть весьма определенные и авторитетные свидетельства, что Девраха Баба прожил более 700 лет и был учеником великого Рамануджи Ачария, жившего более 500 лет тому назад...

Сегодня сделал эту подборку для себя в основном, но надеюсь, что это будет и еще кому-то интересно. Я принципиально не делал критического отбора и собрал вместе как более авторитетные свидетельства, так и менее авторитетные свидетельства, оставляя возможность для самостоятельной оценки содержательности и качественности приведенной подборки.

Если у кого-то будут еще ссылки на материалы о Гурудеве, то буду очень благодарен, если поделитесь. Спасибо.

Намо Гуру!




Bade Maharajji http://devraha.org/bademaharajji.htm


Шри Свами Рама - "Жизнь среди гималайских йогов"

Нестареющий йог

Практически каждое лето Дерваха Баба, который живет в
восточном Уттар Прадеше, прибывает в одну церковь, находящуюся в
Гималайских горах, чтобы пожить там несколько месяцев. Говорят, что
ему очень много лет. Я не знаю точно, но слышал, что д-р Раджендра
Прасад, первый индийский президент, брался лично засвидетельствовать
тот факт, что возраст Дерваха Бабы превышает полтораста лет. По его
словам в детстве отец брал его с собой к этому человеку, который уже
тогда был очень стар. Это заявление д-р Прасад сделал в возрасте
семидесяти лет. Оно возбудило мое любопытство, и я взял себе за
правило встречаться с Дервахой Бабой, когда он по пути в горную
церковь делал остановку в Ришикеше. Мы часто беседовали там. Он жил
во временной хижине из сосновых досок, которая сооружалась дня него
всюду, куда бы он ни направлялся. Иногда он также жил в бревенчатых
домах. На вид ему было лет семьдесят, и выглядел он абсолютно
здоровым. Несмотря на то, что он очень строг и не позволяет никому
из учеников прикасаться в себе, порой он пускается в рассуждения о
божественной любви. Девраха Баба очень знаменит в Северной Индии.
Огромные толпы людей собираются в надежде удостоиться его даршана*.
У него огромное число последователей; его часто посещают служащие
полиции и другие государственные чиновники, желая получить
благословение. Во время Кумбха Мела** в 1974 году его посетили
несколько моих американских учеников.

* Взгляд.
** Грандиозная ярмарка, проводимая в Индии каждые двенадцать

Я пытался раскрыть, в чем секрет его долголетия, и обнаружил, что он регулярно
практикует определенные аспекты йоги, ест лишь фрукты и овощи. Существует
много специфичных практик йоги. Йоги выбирают себе среди них те, которые для
них подходят. Во время одной из моих бесед с ним Баба сказал: "Счастье
-- величайшее из всех богатств. Пунктуальность имеет принципиально важное
значение. Практика продвинутых методов дыхания в равной степени важна. Техника
не старения -- это техника пранаямы*. * Контролирование дыхания.


Когда один журналист спросил Девраха Бабу, сколько ему лет. Он сказал: "Земля не имеет столько лет, сколько мне, поэтому ты не сможешь посчитать, сколько мне лет". Журналист подумал, что это старый, эксцентричный Баба, который не очень хочет с ним разговаривать. Девраха Баба сказал ему правду, поскольку он был в том состоянии времени, где подобные вопросы бессмысленны. Допустим, есть святой, ну даже если он родился в каком-нибудь году, силой саньямы он перенес свое сознание в Чистые земли, двести лет пробыл в Чистых землях, проповедуя там, общаясь, потом вернулся. На земле в это время прошло 15 секунд. Сколько ему лет? Трудно сказать, если он 200 лет провел в чистых землях, а на земле в это время прошло 15 секунд, поскольку время течет по-разному.


6. Девардха, или Деварья Баба

Этот великий мудрец живет не в горных районах Гималаев, а исключительно на берегах священных рек, берущих начало в Гималаях. Он обитает на первом этаже деревянного двухэтажного дома, выстроенного у священного места слияния рек Ганга, Джамуны и Сарасвати. Из-за своей связи с этими реками он считается йогом с Гималаев. Полагают, что его возраст приблизительно 450 лет. Он старый знакомый главы Гуфа-ашрама…
(http://sss.vn.ua/gufa_ash.htm; Махешварананд Сатья Саи и Нара-Нарайяна Гуфа-ашрам)



There are references in Hindu scriptures to immortal saints and yogis living in the Himalayas in their divine bodies. No human being, with his human body can ever reach there. In northern India, this place has often been referred to Gyan Ganj, from where even the late Yogi Devaraha Baba, said to have been between 200 to 600 years old at the time of samadhi in 1989 also came. His disciples witnessed countless miracles of his but he did not allow them to discuss or write about them.
It is however strange that so far all the Yogis from Gyan Ganj have spoken only or mainly in Hindi, though they could understand other languages. Stories of many miracles are told about these great yogis. The common belief is that they are repositories of all the secrets of physical and supernatural life, which they would teach to appropriate disciples , after descending from the Himalayas, after the world improves morally and spiritually. Obviously Babaji belonged to Gyan Ganj, and made Cosmic Manifestation, when some ardent disciple of his remembered him with guileless sincerity. It is also well-known that when any of these yogis descends below the Himalayas, they rejuvenate themselves through what is known as Kaya Kalpa, a special yogic method of shedding an ageing body to become youthful like a snake. Devaraha Baba is said to have done it twice in his earthly existence.

(http://www.journalofastrology.com/archives/Paramhamsa_Yogananda_in_USA_IV.htm; Paranhamsa Yogananda in USA IV)


Yogeswar Mahaprabhu Shri Ramlal Ji Maharaj incarnated from Himalayan with 17 bodies in different parts of earth and with different names for initiating human being in Yoga. He is also known as 'Maha Avatar Baba Ji' according to famous book Autobiography of a Yogi written by Shri Yogananda. He is The Master or Masters. He is Great Yogi. He is supposed to be Avatar of Lord Shiva. He is MahaSiddha Yogi. He blessed many Yoga aspirant by Shaktipaat and gave highest stage of Yoga. Famous Yogi Devaraha Baba has also achieved Khechari siddhi by Shri Prabhuji's blessing. Shri Prabhuji has mastry on Astang-Yoga(eight limbs of Yoga). He is still sitting in Nirveej Samadhi in Nepal Himalayan with one body(as shown in picture) and helps many Yoga aspirant. He stablished Siddha Yoga path in 18th century.

(http://siddhayoga.tripod.com/; Siddha Yoga - Shri Siddha Gupha Sawain, Agra, India)


Longevity Miracle - Devraha Baba at 250+ Years Old. (Vincent J. Daczynski)

An Indian saint named Devraha Baba, who passed away in 1989, was a yogi who lived just such a lifestyle. Devraha Baba was from the spiritual heritage of the Avatar Ramanandacharya, and lived beside the Yamuna river in Mathura. He lived on a 12-foot-high wooden platform where he usually remained stark naked. He never ate food. He only drank water from the Yamuna river. He claimed he could be in two places simultaneously (a siddhi described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras). He was observed to have stayed underwater unaided for half an hour. He always radiated love. He was a Premaswarupa, an incarnation of love. He gave darshan (spiritual blessing) to devotees who came to pay homage. Many came to visit this great illustrious saint. People came from all over India and from all walks of life. He was a favorite among India's senior politicians, and was visited by Mrs. Indira and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. Ministers, saints, yogis, priests, rich and poor all came for Baba's darshan.

It was rumored that Devraha Baba claimed that he had lived for over 700 years. Until I can substantiate this rumor I need to consider it just a rumor. Nevertheless, I make mention of this rumor because Devraha Baba's family tree records place his age to be at least 250 years when he took mahasamadhi (relinquished his body) in 1989. If he was able to live to be 250, then it is possible that he lived for 700 years as well. Baba was called, "The Ageless Yogi." Devraha Baba gained mastery over the khecheri state of yoga whereby he was able to control his hunger and the time of his death. Dr. Rajendra Prashad, who was the first president of India, verified Devraha Baba's old age. He said that he personally attests to Devraha Baba being at least 150 years old. He said that when he was 73 years old, his father took him to see Baba, who was a very old man, and that his father already had known Baba for many years before that. An Allahabad High Court Barrister had stated that seven generations of his family had sat at the feet of Devraha Baba. Incidentally, Devraha Baba had predicted the time of his death five years in advance.

Since Giri Bala's interview with Yogananda, the world has undergone an exponential awakening in consciousness and science. The ancient teachings of the Rishis, which heretofore have been kept secret and only shared with the closest of disciples, now are readily available to everyone. As more people begin meditation practices and learn to tap their inner cosmic energies, and as medical science moves towards eradicating all diseases, it is conceivable that the human life span will be extended by decades if not by centuries.

(http://www.amazingabilities.com/amaze7a.html; есть фото )


Jai Guru Dev. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Devraha Baba

Baba was a great saint of India who passed away in 1991. So elderly was he that the President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, more than fifty years ago said that his father had sat at the feet of Devraha Baba as a child — that is, in the middle of the nineteenth century — and Devraha Baba was already elderly at that time. An Allahabad High Court Barrister told Purusha visiting there that seven generations of his family had sat at the feet of Devraha Baba.
In 1982, a group of Purusha visited Devraha Baba at the Aardh Kumbha Mela, in Hardwar. In front of all the people attending his talk, the Purusha introduced themselves as being from Maharishi. Devraha Baba replied, "Maharishi is very dear to me." After saying some other very nice things about Maharishi, he started throwing fruit to the Purusha. That was his way of giving blessings. He did three rounds of fruit-throws to them, which they were told was very special.

* * *

In 1989 another group of Purusha visited Devraha Baba at the Kumbha Mehla in Allahabad, where he was residing on a raised platform above the sand banks near the Sangam. The Purusha were with Devraha Baba when he saw a long line of yellow-clad young Vedic Pandits coming across the sands towards him chanting the Veda, sent by Maharishi to greet India’s eldest saint.
When he saw them, Devraha Baba suddenly put his hands across his heart and said passionately, "Maharishi has revived the whole Vedic tradition!"

* * *

At the Kumbha Mela in 2001, the devotees of Devraha Baba told our Purusha how Devraha Baba would often say that there is a Gyan Yuga coming in the midst of Kali Yuga, starting from a transition period from 2000 to 2020, and that His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the one creating it!



The lineage of Ramanandacharya

Hidden from the public eye of the western world this very powerful lineage is very much alive today. This Guruparampara goes 500 years back to the Avatar Ramanandacharya who in his own time chooses 14 devotees to whom he transmitted the highest enlightenment. All of them became legends in their own lifetime.

In resent times Devraha Baba, who recently passed away, was in the same lineage. Baba attracted huge crowds from all over India and from all walks of life including Mrs. Indira and Mr. Rajiv Ghandi, Yogis, sanyasis, pandits, ministers, saints, rich, poor, all came to take his blessings. Baba never ate food but only drank water from the holy river Ganges.
Nobody knew Babas age. His devotees claim that he died in 1989 at the age of 250. The first president of India Dr.Rajendra Prashad explained at the age of 73 how, as a child his father had taken him to see Baba, who was already then a very old man, and that his father had known baba for many years before that. Thus the former president claims that from his own experience he can attest to the fact that Devraha Baba was more that 150 years at age. Baba was known as "The ageless Yogi" and was a Premaswarupa an incarnation of love. Babas sadhana was fiery. So to balance the fire inside he was always living close to water.



Gurudeva in Vrindavan. 2001, 5th Marz - 2nd Abril

We left at 6:00 am from Kesi ghat as pr Bhgavatamrita sang. We arrive to the temple of Devraha-baba, a worshipping yogi of Lord Brahma who lived over 200 years. Gurudeva was amazed to see the illusion of some followers by keeping a Siva linga built with the incorporated murti of this yogi. There was not another altar, neither Radha neither Krishna. Only whorship of the yogi. They told us the history about how the yogi left the world: once he entered to the Yamuna and after some while they went to look for him in the water but they only found the clothes... In that place there is a very good panoramic view of Vrindavan, Gurudeva made pictures and then we returned to the boat.
While we drifted with the flow, we saw many holes in the walls of the ravines of the Yamuna. Bird Houses and figures had been drawn in the sand with the passing of water and time. Pr Bhagavatamrita said that he had seen a profile of Krishna and everybody believe his words because... "yamuna tata chara-Krishna"- He always strolls on the river banks.
Then Gurudeva asked each one to speak the glories of Yamuna. Hrisikesh mj said that truly The Srimad Bhagavatam was spoken beside the Yamuna although originally it is said that Maharaj Pariksit listened to it beside the Ganges. Others commented that all the sacred places are present in Vraja, even Naimisaranya and Badharikashram, and that even Srila Vyasadeva born of the fisherman's daughter beside the Yamuna to sing her glories and those of Radha and Krishna in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Others made mention that the SB has been recited in many opportunities. Somebody mentioned that Yamuna is the nectar of pure love that flows for Vrindavan just as S.Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings in "Ami Yamuna Puline": "I will leave my house, to go to those kunjas with the sweetness of rasa" and Gurudeva added: "that sweetness that flows through these kunjas is the Yamuna".

In that way, slowly all went in silent absorption until we came close to the dead body of a yogi that floated gently in ecstasy with his head on his knee. I thought of the yogi Devraha-baba that had left the world ten years ago to enjoy the premamrita of the Yamuna. Eternity lapsed in a few hours, he was submerged in the nectar and the impersonalist followers had time to find his clothes and to build him a temple, to adore him and to confuse him with the Siva linga, maybe with the hope of praying to Gopesvara for permission to enter in Vrindavan, because time ago when highways didn't exist, arrival to Vrindavan was by the Yamuna. They went up rowing from Mathura, and the entrance was Keshi Ghat, Gurudeva told us.

There I learned that eternity is not criticizable due to the harmony and the variety that characterizes it, not understandable but whorshipable. I believe that the mind of all was giving turns because we find many dead bodies floating, it seems that it has been a special season of Yama-raj, the brother of Yami (Yamuna). He liberates the body and she purifies and gives the nectar of eternal life to the soul that enters in her waters. Of course we saw only bodies, but in the association of Gurudeva and the devotees we recognized that the soul is the vital force of what lives and that, in connection with Krishna everything completes its purpose.
We go by Mathura, it was already mid-day and we took prasadam, then satisfied we went to take darshan of Sri Radhe in Raval. Later Gurudeva entered the Yamuna swimming until we reached him in the boat. While we came closer to Gokul he commented about when Vasudeva left the prison of Mathura to take the new born Krishna to the Kingdom of Nanda-baba. From Gokul we return to Vrindavan by car, since the boat would require two days to return because it would return against the flow.



Caring for cows

Its philosophy is that the cow represents wealth, bio-diversity, is eco-friendly, central to our culture and the backbone of the rural economy. In his inaugural speech, Devraha Baba (Chhote Maharaj) took a pledge to take care of cows across the country.




  1. Вся дискуссия   Подборка материалов из Интернет - ресурсов о Девраха Бабе - Александр Г от 06/07/2005 19:43
    1. Re: Подборка материалов из Интернет - ресурсов о Девраха Бабе - olga от 06/10/2007 23:08
    2. Re: Подборка материалов из Интернет - ресурсов о Девраха Баб - XsevenBeta от 24/07/2008 17:58

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