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Re: Агни йога и лженаука

20/04/2005 00:01

Ответ на   Re: Агни йога и лженаука

А по экспериментальной части есть ли какой-нибудь материал в сети?

Похоже, кое-что есть:

Акимов А.Е., Шипов Г.И.
Торсионные поля и их экспериментальные проявления

Панов В.Ф., Тестов Б.В., Клюев А.В.
Влияние торсионного поля на лабораторных мышей

Игорь Громыко, Александр Мячиков, Виталий Носов
Кафедра защиты информации и специальной техники Национального университета внутренних дел
Кафедра товароведения и экспертизы продовольственных товаров Харьковской государственной академии технологии и организации питания

и т. д. См. также:

Торсионные поля и спин-торсионные взаимодействия (Библиография)

Библиографический поиск по торсионным полям в Inspec (база данных английского Института физики) дал следующие результаты:

Author: Stanislavovich B.
Institution: NTC-COM-Center, Russia.
Title: On torsion fields.
Source: Galileian Electrodynamics, spec. issue., no.1, Spring 2001, pp.5-11.
Throughout the twentieth century, researchers have repeatedly reported the discovery of unusual phenomena that could not be explained within the framework of existing theories. Beginning in the mid 60's, theoretical and experimental investigations were conducted. These investigations showed that numerous phenomena previously difficult or impossible to explain had a rigorous theoretical interpretation within the framework of torsion field theory. This paper gives a comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to torsion fields and their relationship to problems in theoretical physics and other potentially related areas. (63 References).

Author: Akimov AE. Okhatrin AF. Finogeev VP. Lomonosov MN. Loginov AV. Okhatrin FA. Shipov GI.
Institution: Int. Inst. of Theor. & Appl. Phys., Acad. of Sci., Moscow, Russia.
Title: Visualization, processing, and analysis of torsion information on space image media.
Source: Pattern Recognition & Image Analysis, vol.6, no.4, Oct.-Dec. 1996, pp.764-79. Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing, Russia.
An outline is given of a new information channel in the cognition of nature, based on the fact that every physical object has a torsion field of its own. Theoretical concepts that constitute the new torsion field paradigm are formulated. Fundamental properties of torsion fields are defined. It is noted that, in Russia, large-scale studies of torsion fields and their manifestations in nature have resulted in the development of several unique methods and technologies, unparalleled anywhere in the world, with which important fundamental and applied problems can be tackled in many areas of science and technology. Descriptions are given of the remote sensing, geovision, and geoscan technologies successfully used in studies of the internal structure of the Earth, in prospecting, and in building physical models for outer spare, the planets, the Sun, and other space objects. In these technologies, torsion information is embedded in aerospace picture of the objects of interest. Special emphasis is therefore placed on the extraction, filtering, visualization, processing, and analysis of torsion information carried by space image media. The presentation of theoretical and experimental material is backed up by the demonstration of visualized torsion images of oil deposits discovered by the above technologies, of the structures of the torsion field of the Sun and circumsolar space. (45 References).

Author: Shipov GI.
Title: Absolute parallelism geometry in the theory of the physical vacuum.
Source: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Fizika, vol.37, no.9, Sept. 1994, pp.64-88. Russia.
We propose to review briefly the foundations of absolute parallelism geometry in vector and spinor bases formed by the field of orthonormal nonholonomic tetrads or Newman-Penrose symbols, respectively. The primary goal of the present study is to familiarize the reader with the mathematical machinery underlying the author's exposition of physical vacuum theory (1987, 1988). The torsion fields of absolute parallelism geometry, which are defined in the theory of the structure of matter of any species, are fundamental to the physical vacuum theory. We shall therefore be concerned mostly with the investigation of various properties of the torsion fields of geometry. (48 References).

Author: Stoeger WR.
Institution: Vatican Obs., Vatican City.
Title: The physics of detecting torsion and placing limits on its effects.
Source: General Relativity & Gravitation, vol.17, no.10, Oct. 1985, pp.981-8. USA.
The author presents the essential principles of torsion-detection physics and evaluates several conceivable types of experiments and observations for actually detecting torsion fields, reemphasizing also the evident impossibility of successfully searching for its manifestations among cosmological relics. In particular, a polarized body, with net intrinsic (fundamental-particle) spin, is essential for detecting a torsion field. One which possesses only orbital angular momentum-rotation-or an unpolarized intrinsic spin density will not free torsion. The fundamental problem in searching for such fields is the extremely small basic unit of the coupling or interaction energy between the torsion field and spin, epsilon approximately=(8 pi G'/c/sup 2/)(h(cross)/sup 2//4). The best way of maximizing the total interaction energy is to increase the spin density of the source sigma /sub s/ and, at the same time the 'spin number' S/sub D/ of the detector. (15 References).

Я опустил ссылки на обычные научные работы (числом около 40) по релятивистским теориям гравитации с кручением (torsion). Как видно, все статьи, кроме последней, принадлежат русским авторам. Последняя статья с интригующим названием "Физика детектирования кручения и установления пределов на его эффекты" на самом деле тоже нормальная научная работа о принципах измерения кручения (см. более детальное обсуждение в диссертации http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/9601066 ). В ней показано, что ожидаемые эффекты кручения очень, очень малы.

  1. Re: Агни йога и лженаука - Anonymous от 20/04/2005 00:01

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