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Re: перевод...

06/11/2006 01:24

Daniel Entin
Ответ на   Re: перевод...

Dear Alexander,

In answer to your questions about the paintings by Svetoslav Roerich that are in our possession: You should know that these paintings were originally the personal property of Katherine Campbell Stibbe, and they did not come to this museum until after Sina Fosdick's death, when Katherine donated them to us. We had a big exhibition at the time, but now have them in storage, because our museum is small, and the walls are filled with paintings by Nicholas Roerich. We do show a few of them from time to time, and of course, the portraits of NK and EI are always on the walls. (Just yesterday, we received three paintings by Nicholas Roerich that were left to us by the will of a woman who owned them for many years. We will have to find place to show them.)

Some years ago, when there was a Roerich Conference in Lake Garda, Italy, that was attended by both Western and Russian Roerich specialists, I discussed with Ludmila Shaposhnikova the collection of paintings by Svetoslav, and told her that we'd like to negotiate the possible transfer of these paintings to M. Ts. R., by means of a sale to Mr. Boulotchnik. (By law, we are not allowed to give our property away. We may sell paintings by Svetoslav Roerich to obtain funds to buy paintings by Nicholas Roerich -- because of the statement of purpose in the Charter granted to the Museum.) Ludmila Shaposhnikova was quite enthusiastic about the possibility, but after she returned home to Moscow, she changed her attitude and chose to attack us for "throwing Svetoslav Roerich out of the Museum." This absurdity cost her fifty valuable paintings, but she chose to do it, for reasons that I will never know. She preferred to shoot another arrow at us, instead of receiving such a treasure.

Because, by law, we are not allowed to give our property away, we cannot even consider your proposal to donate the paintings to SibRO. We are very friendly with them, and I am sure they understand the reasons.

Our Board will have to decide what to do with the paintings by Svetoslav Roerich. We have no possibility to show them, except occasionally. Most museums are not bothered by this. The State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg has more than four hundred paintings by Nicholas Roerich, and keep almost all of them in storage!

I hope this answers your questions about the paintings by Svetoslav Roerich in our collection. If you have more questions, please ask. And I ask of you only that you be polite.


  1. Re: перевод... - Daniel Entin от 06/11/2006 01:24
    1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - геннадий от 06/11/2006 21:37
      1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - Александр от 03/12/2006 13:11
        1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - геннадий от 03/12/2006 17:30
          1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - Александр от 08/12/2006 15:32
            1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - геннадий от 08/12/2006 22:30
              1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - Александр от 10/12/2006 14:07
                1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - геннадий от 11/12/2006 09:00
                  1. Re: перевод о картинах Св. Рериха в НЙ Музее... - Александр от 16/12/2006 16:58
                    1. Две реплики - Yury F. от 16/12/2006 21:27

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